
Download How to install Coolpad Driver USB Driver for Windows

How to install Coolpad Driver

These are the instructions to install Coolpad Driver on Windows Computer (this method can be used on Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows 10).

Requirements: You need to have the Windows Computer and the Coolpad Driver to follow the below guidelines.

Tutorial To Install Coolpad USB Driver On Windows Computer

in 5 Seconds


Step 1: To get started, download Coolpad USB driver (latest version) file and extract it to a folder on your Windows computer.

Coolpad Driver

Step 2: In the extracted folder, you will see Coolpad Driver.exe file. Click on it to launch the installation wizard window.

Coolpad Driver Setup File

Step 3: Now, click on “Next” in the “InstallShield Wizard” window.

Welcome To The Installshield Wizard For Driver

Step 4: In the next window, you will be asked to enter the User Name and Company Name. Enter any username and company name of your choice and click on “Next“.

Enter User Name And Company Name

Step 5: Now you will be asked to select the driver package setup type i.e., complete or custom. We recommend you to select “Complete” and click on “Next“.

Complete Setup Type

Step 6: Next, in the “Ready To Install The Program” window, click “Install” to begin the Coolpad USB driver installation process.

Ready To Install The Program

Step 7: Once you click on “Install“, Coolpad driver will be installed in your computer within a minute or two. Once the installation process is completed, click on “Finish” to close the Installation Wizard Window.

Coolpad Driver Installation Completed

Step 8: To finish, restart your computer.

Restart Your Computer

That’s it. You have successfully finished installing the latest version of Coolpad USB driver on your Windows computer. Now you easily connect your Coolpad smartphones and tablets to the computer using the original USB data cable.

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