
Download How to install Mediatek Driver Auto Installer USB Driver for Windows

How to install Mediatek Driver Auto Installer

These are the instructions to install Mediatek Drivers using the Mediatek Driver Auto Installer Tool (this method can be used on Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows 10).

Requirements: You need to have the Windows Computer and the Mediatek Driver Auto Installer to follow the below guidelines.

Install Mediatek Drivers in 5 Seconds

    1. Download and extract Mediatek Driver Auto Installer package on the Computer. If in case, you have already downloaded and extracted the driver package, then SKIP this step.


    1. Once you have extracted the driver package, you will be able to see the following files:

Mediatek Driver Auto Installer Files

    1. Open Install Drivers.bat to Launch the Setup Dialog Box:

Mediatek Driver Auto Installer Install

    1. Once the Driver Setup Dialog Box is Launched, you will be able to see the following window:

Mediatek Driver Auto Installer Setup

    1. Now, Press any Key (from keyboard) to begin the installation process.
    1. Once the installation process is completed, you will be able to see the Driver installation Completed Message:

Mediatek Driver Auto Installer Setup Finish

    1. Now, Press any Key (from keyboard) to exit the Setup Window.
    2. Restart your Computer:

Restart Computer

Once the Computer is restarted, you can easily connect your MediaTek Smartphone, FeaturePhone, and Tablets to the computer without facing any issue.

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