
Download How to install SPD Driver R4.20.0201 USB Driver for Windows

How to install SPD Driver R4.20.0201

These are the instructions to install the SPD Driver R4.20.0201 on Windows Computer (this method can be used on Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows 10).

Requirements: You need to have the Windows Computer and the SPD Driver to follow the below guidelines.

Install SPD Driver R4.20.0201 in 10 Seconds

If you don’t know how to install SPD USB Driver on your computer, don’t worry. Here, I have provided the step by step instructions to install SpreadTrum USB driver on your computer.

How To Install Spreadtrum Usb Driver

Tutorial To Install SpreadTrum USB Driver Manually On Your Computer

Video Tutorial



Step 1: To get started, download Spreadtrum driver manual installation file to your computer. Once downloaded, extract it on your desktop.

Download Spreadtrum Driver

Step 2: Next, open Device Manager window and follow this path Action -> Add Legacy Hardware.

Device Manager Add Legacy Hardware

Step 3: Now click “Next” in the Add legacy hardware wizard.

Add Hardware

Step 4: In the next window, choose “Install the hardware that I manually select from the list (Advanced)” and click “Next“.

Install The Hardware That I Manually Select From A List

Step 5: Now choose “Show all devices“ and click on “Next”. Once done, choose the “Have a disk” option to select the extracted Spreadtrum driver file (Step 1) from your computer.

Show All Devices

Step 6: Next, select “x64” setup if you are using a 64 bit operating or “x32” for a 32-bit operating system.

X64 Or X86 Folder

Step 7: Now click on “Next” to install the new hardware.

Install Spreadtrum Hardware

Step 8: If a Windows security prompt shows up, click on “Install this driver software anyway”.

Windows Security Prompt

Step 9: In the next window, click on “Finish” to complete the installation process.

Completing Add Hardware Wizard

That’s it. Now you have manually installed the SPD USB driver on your computer.

Tutorial To Install SpreadTrum USB Driver Automatically On Your Computer

Video Tutorial



Step 1: To get started, download SPD USB driver automatic installation (setup) file to your Windows computer. Once done, extract it to a folder.

Spd Usb Driver Automatic Installation File

Step 2: Next, open the driver folder based on your Windows operating system i.e., if you are using Windows 10 on your computer, then open Win 10 folder.

Win 10 Folder

Step 3: Now click on DriverSetup.exe to launch the installation Window.

Driversetup File

Step 4: Next in the UNISOC Driver Installation Package window, click on Next to begin the SPD USB driver installation process.

Unisoc Driver Installation Package

Step 5: Once the installation process begins, it will take a few minutes for it to get completed. Once it does, you can click on Finish in the SPD Device Driver Installation Wizard Window.

Spd Device Driver Installation Completed

Step 6: Finally, restart your computer.

That’s it. Now you have automatically installed the SPD USB driver on your Windows computer.

You can successfully connect your SpreadTrum/Unisoc powered Android smartphones or tablets to your Windows computer without any issues.

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