
Download How to install ADB Drivers on Windows Computer USB Driver for Windows

These are the instructions to install Android ADB Driver on Windows Computer (this method can be used on Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows 10).

Requirements: You need to have the Windows Computer and the Android ADB Driver (.inf based) to follow the below guidelines.

Step 1: Download ADB driver to your computer. Once download, extract the download zip file a folder on your computer.
How To Install Lg K51S Adb Drivers
Step 2: Next, go to Control panel and open up the Device Manager window. Now click on “Action” tab and select “Add Legacy Hardware“.
How To Install Lg K51S Adb Drivers
Step 3: You will see the “Add Hardware Wizard” welcome window. Click on “Next“
How To Install Lg K51S Adb Drivers
Step 4:Install the hard that I manually select from a list” option and click “Next“.How To Install Lg K51S Adb Drivers
Step 5: Now, you will be asked to select the type of hardware you are installing. Select “Show all devices“, click “Next” and choose the ADB driver folder on your computer (Step 1)
How To Install Lg K51S Adb Drivers
Step 6: In the next window, you will see “Hardware to install: Android ADB Interface“. Once you see this message, click “Next“.
How To Install Lg K51S Adb Drivers
Step 7: Now, a Windows security prompt window will open up. Click on “Install” to start the ADB driver installation process.
How To Install Lg K51S Adb Drivers
Step 8: It will take a minute or two for the installation process to get completed and once it does, you will see the “Completing the Add Hardware Wizard” window. Click on “Finish“.
How To Install Lg K51S Adb Drivers
That’s it. Now you have successfully finished installing ADB driver on your Windows computer. From now on, you will be able to connect your with the computer successfully.

How to install ADB USB Driver VIDEO :

How to slove USB Driver Signature Error?

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